Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Slab & Ernie Storyboard: John K critiques

John K me dió algunas críticas sobre mi storyboard para mejorarlo, así que decidí realizarlas. Creo que ahora todo funciona mejor, más en contexto

John K gave me some criticism on my storyboard to improve it, so I decided to do them. I think now everything works better, in context


Joshua Marchant (Scrawnycartoons) said...

Great storyboards! The changes made it even better, good work.

Paul B said...

Thanks Joshua!

Thiago Levy said...

You two have to find a way to go to Taafi! It would be great share ideas and techniques with you guys.

Steven M. said...

The flesh-colored eyes bit killed me.

Paul B said...

Hi Thiago! I saw your storyboard, very funny gag and really gross too! ahahahahahahah. I wish I could go to Taafi...

Thanks Steven. I think it could be more funny though

javinube said...

como puedo contactarte? para que participes como jurado de un concurso de caricaturas de la comuna san miguel? gracias. cualquier cosa si te interesa

enviame un correo a novoa.javiera@gmail.com