Tuesday, September 11, 2012


6).- I think this has more weight


5).- 2nd attempt at Ren.

4).- Inking Ren

3).- I think this is better...

2).- New attempt


1).- Entintado reciente que realice de un Layout de John K. Que tal?
Inking that I did from a Layout by John K. 


JohnK said...

Hi Paul

you should read my inking posts on the blog

Paul B said...

I'm gonna give it a new try

JohnK said...

it needs to feel more form

read the inking notes

also put heavier lines at bottom of things - like under the feet

under the bhin

look at inking examples in my blog posts

ink forms, not lines

JohnK said...

try doing Ren from the same layout

JohnK said...

It's getting there. Still seems a little cold to me, like the forms aren't related to each other

be careful with the angles

Like the eyes

the lines are too straight and this flattens the forms out

the lines should be convex - bending outward to help give the eyeballs form

then the pupils and irises would look like they are part of the eyeballs

not separate designs

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,

Did you draw the pencil of George with Ren & Stimpy? It's a nice drawing. I have a personal question. Does it feel weird to you inking someone else's drawings? It feels weird to me. I've never done it.


Paul B said...

Hi Carey!
No, that's not my pencil, is John's drawing.
It doesn't feel weird to me, it's funny!
Thanks for stopping by!